No happiness other than serenity of the mind

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Meditation for Beginners

                         Serenity of  the mind

     Today, think of the phrase “ Naddhi Santi Parang Sukhang ” : there is no happiness beyond serenity of the mind. 
Such are the words of every Buddha in the past, present, and future. 
There is no happiness other than the calmness of the mind
     It is long-established by the enlightened one who has experienced various lives.
He has attained the ultimate life as a great emperor ruling the 4 continents of Jampu Tavipa (this world),
Bupaviteha Tavipa, Utarakuru Tavipa, and Aparagoyana Tavipa.  The word “ continent” is meant by the Buddha to be the 4 worlds surrounding Phra Sumaeru Mountain , where Jatumaharajika Heaven is located.  In his previous lives, the Buddha had ruled that heaven.  He had been Emperor Manthaturaj that ru led half of Tavatimsa Heaven.  He had been a great king, a ruler, a wealthy man, a man of middle class, of lower class.  He had also been animals and even fallen into hell.  Through all his experiences, he concluded that “ Naddhi Santi Parang Sukhung ”. No happiness other than serenity of the mind.
meditation for peace 
     Happiness means comfort of the body and the mind, feeling satisfied with such comfort.  The body must endure through pain, illness, numbness, and tiredness.  Such is pure suffering.  Likewise, the mind can also be depressed, sad, confused, and volatile.  Everyone goes through such pains wether rich or poor .  Thus, material wealth cannot lead to comfort of the body or mind.   The rich can be taken ill just as the poor.  it is similar for the mind: the rich may be worried about losing wealth, afraid that it may be stolen, afraid that one's wealth is less than other' s. 
     The rich person is worried that he needs to maintain his status quo.  Being rich does not mean that his family will be happy and perfect as there are other things that lead to discomfort of the mind.   This is also true for people of middle and lower class.  Every human, regardless of nationality, language, gender, age, religion and belief, experiences suffering of the body and mind.  Suffering may be reduced through space and time but it never disappears.
     Therefore, the mind and body without serenity are burdened with heaviness and tension.  Such is the truth about body and mind that is experienced by all. 
     Once one attains calmness, one will experience comfort of the body and mind and desire no more.  This all happens through the mind.  The mind must be without thought.  By placing the mind at the 7th base, one will be able to not think, not speak, not do anything, and thus attain stillness.   Once there, the mind will become enlarged without boundaries and as the mind expands, the body will also expand until feelings from physical senses no longer exist.  One will feel weightless, light, and alive, always awake within and always with good intentions toward all other beings.  No longer will he possess anger, greed, or lust. 
    Frustration will be gone and his sense of tiredness will not be there.  No sense of doubt.  No thought of physical wealth, of the opposite sex, of revenge.  All the confusion will be gone.  The mind is light and lively.  Such is the true happiness and it will be more intensified as serenity of the mind increases.  It is happiness that is free, boundless, unlike the temporary enjoyment from drinking, speaking, singing, or gambling that may lead to discomfort of body and mind later on.  Winning a bet may tempt one to keep playing and losing a bet may tempt one to play even more.  Once the money is gone, one might start borrowing. 
     At first, playing for profit and later to get rid of debt.  Playing until all is lost---the family, house, estate.  This is happiness with disaster attached.  It is not free, not comforting.  One may be happy winning but it leads to discomfort, attachment, and worries in the end.  Happiness from wealth is temporary.  It is limited and temporary. It is unlike endless happiness from serenity of the mind. 
A human can never feel truly happy if his mind and body never expands and never becomes lightened.  With true happiness, the mind will be as light as cotton or a feather in the air.  When sitting, one may smile.  It is a smile from the heart that expands from within and surrounds us.  Walk, stand, sit, sleep with smile.  Without serenity, happiness cannot be found, even if one is an emperor.  True happiness comes with stillness of the mind.   Without thought, the mind is comforted, brightened, and clear like crystal .
One of the Princes was older than the Buddha, and was born in a frontier kingdom three hundred yojanas in area, in the city of Kukkutavati .
crystal ball 
     Maha Kappina spent his days in the ecstasy of jhana, (deep meditation) and so full of happiness was he that he constantly repeated "aho sukham, aho sukham," which made the monks suspect that he was longing for the pleasures of kingship which he had left behind, until the Buddha dispelled their doubts.
     Practice the mind so that it may remain calm and light.  If one reaches Dhammakaya within, one will understand why Phra Maha Kappina exclaimed “ Such happiness, such happiness .   This is because his mind was still.  The mind which had once been chaotic became still through inner happiness. 
    Meditation is the practice to calm such a mind.  If the mind is calm, one will see a bright sphere within.  But do not assume that this sphere can be attained anytime.  If you found it, do not abandon it, for if it cannot be reached again, one may dwell on the past and be unable to calm the mind in the present.  Thus, if one finds the true happiness from meditation, do not abandon it.  Keep it.  Maintain it, develop it so that this happiness may expand.   

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