5. The Boss-Employee Relationship

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Meditation for Beginners
5. The Boss-Employee Relationship
We have to be able to get along with our colleagues whether they are true friends or false.
We have to be able to get along with our colleagues whether they are true friends or false.
The fifth important factor influencing social development is the quality of human relationships in the workplace-some thing we measure in terms of the fulfillment of reciprocal responsibilities between employer and employee-duties collectively referred to as the ‘nadir’ [hetthimadisa]. Apart from the ethicality of work, a second area of problems in the work we do may come from personal conflicts arising at work. Irrespective of the nature of the work, we need to cultivate good human relationships in the workplace otherwise we might risk blame and undermine our job satisfaction.
We have to be able to get along with our colleagues whether they are true friends or false. Our relationship with this group of co-workers (whether they be our boss, employees, servants, inferiors or slaves!) are covered in the fifth grouping of relationships mentioned in the Singalovada Sutta. From this teaching we find out about the reciprocal relationship between the boss and the employee.
An employer’s responsibilities to his employees
An employee’s responsibilities to his employer
An employee’s responsibilities to his employer
An employer should show his responsibility towards his employees by:
1. Assigning them work according to their strength: Work given to an employee should be chosen as appropriate to that person’s age, gender, and disposition and capability in order that they can work efficiently;
2. Giving them due food and remuneration: A decent wage should be given which is not less than the legal minimum. There should be wage increase with time and bonuses. Employees who live “on site” should be provided with regard to appropriate food – not left hungry! (you don’t have to wait for them to protest or go on strike before giving these things to them). A boss with such caring behaviour will be able to relinquish the effects of both bias and defilements of action;
3. Caring for them in times of sickness: Employees should be allowed to take leave if sick and enquiries should be made about their recovery to show the features of a “true friend” of the boss. According to an ancient Thai proverb, “if you use them when they’ re healthy, take responsibility for them too, when they’ re weak”;
Maintaining and defending the boss’s good reputation
Maintaining and defending the boss’s good reputation
4. Sharing delicacies with them: These days the act of giving them special gifts on appropriate occasions to one’s employees might be better appreciated in the form of a wage bonus! One might also organize a celebration for special occasions for the employees etc. and this will give them the encouragement which will keep the boss-employee relationship an amicable one;
5. Giving them holidays and leave at suitable times: employees should be allowed holidays according to the usual working calendar and national festivals. Usually the law provides for this, but even so, some people still break those laws.
Employers and bosses who take responsibility for their employees in these five ways will in such a way cultivate a mind of loving – kindness and compassion instead of simply thinking to take advantage of others. For a boss to have all these features of a true friend is something that doesn’t occur by accident – it needs for the boss to have been instilled with such responsibility since an early age.
An employee’s responsibilities to his employer
Meanwhile employees and servants should show responsibility towards their employer by:
1. Starting work before him: This is a good habit best appreciated where employer and employee live under the same roof. In any other context, it would mean :as an employee you’re old enough to know your responsibilities, get on with your duties without having to wait for prodding from your employer”;
Giving them holidays and leave at suitable times
Giving them holidays and leave at suitable times
2. Finishing work after him: If any employee who can practice both of these duties, it shows that they have a strong degree of responsibility towards their employer-a sincere respect, love and gratitude towards their employer-rather than having the hidden intention that their behaviour be conditional on their employer raising their salary: in the present day this might mean the readiness to keep on with the an urgent job even if it means working outside hours, rather than constantly looking at the clock and waiting for the moment to go home;
3. Taking only things (expressly) granted to them by the employer: an employee who can have the control of himself to avoid the defilements of action will not help themselves to the things ‘left lying around’ in the work place or steal the boss’s belongings this means specifically one’s wages. Don’t go expecting bribes and other unofficial ‘perks’ from your job;
4. Always looking for ways to do their work better: this means giving one’s all to fulfilling one’s duties for the greatest benefit-not like those who are ‘deadwood’ who never improve on their skills. One should want to improve on one’s working skills without having conditions to negotiate salary increases from their employer such behaviour shows that the employee really has the generosity befitting a “wise one”;
5. Maintaining and defending the boss’s good reputation: employees with such behaviour do so because of their loyalty to their employees with such behaviour do so because of their loyalty to their employers-they see their boss as similar to the ways they would regard a kindly relative or parent, rather than gossiping about their employer be-hind his back.
In general, the employee’s work satisfaction is entirely in the hands of the employer. It follows that if an employee fulfils these five responsibilities towards an employer means that the employer must have treated the employee well in the first place-to want to show these responsibilities to repay his debt of gratitude.


Meditation for beginners

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