Not Leaving One’s Work Undone

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Meditation for Peace
Not Leaving One’s Work Undone
A person’s value is proportional to the work they complete.
A person’s value is proportional to the work they complete.
The nature of dung on the tail of a pig is to accumulate with the passing of the days, making it increasingly difficult for the pig to find happiness in its daily life.
The work a person leaves unfinished is of the nature to impede their prosperity. A person’s value is proportional to the work they complete. The work they leave undone detracts from their value.
Having taken human birth we have certain duties following us into the world which we cannot shrug off whether it be fulfilling our duties as a good child, parent, elder, junior, student, citizen, spouse, clergy, spouse, clergy, boss or employee.
Everyone has tasks awaiting them, If one doesn’t complete such tasks then one fails in one’s duties. Even if one tries and fails or doesn’t do one’s work to the fullest of one’s ability, or which is well done but errs into unscrupulousness, then it canot said to be a blessing.
Thus it is necessary for us to find out the proper way to succeed in every sort of work so that we can examine ourselves to see which category we belong to. If there are shortfalls then we should overcome them. Work needs to be finished and it has to be well done and wholesome too.
Work needs to be finished and it has to be well done and wholesome too.
Work needs to be finished and it has to be well done and wholesome too.
Why Work is Left Unfinished
1. Wrong timing:
This refers to doing work at the wrong time. For example, someone who does not study when they have the opportunity has to complete his studies when he is too old to remember any thing.
2. Wrong technique:
Doing things in the incorrect order. For example: when cleaning the house, one begins to clean the floor before the ceiling. Normally, you start with the ceiling and then finish with the floor, instead of having to clean the floor twice.
3. Never getting started:
This means setting one’s priority incorrectly or having too many excuses. For example: waiting for the auspicious time to start working Lord Buddha said whenever we are doing a good thing then it is the right time and we do not need to wait.
With work you need the willingness to get down and do the work.
With work you need the willingness to get down and do the work.
Recipes for Success
Lord Buddha taught the following four principles called the “Four Foundations of Success”(iddhipada):
1. Aspiration:
With work you need the willingness to get down and do the work. Without this, you will never get down to doing it! Look for ways to create the right mood.
The boss who gives order needs to create the mood and willingness in his subordinates. Also, he has to help his subordinates realize the positive and negative outcomes of things. The boss who always speaks harsh words towards his subordinates makes a big mistakes by discouraging them.
2. Perseverance:
Assertion is a moral aspect of the mind that can also be called “bravery”. The reason for calling it bravery is seen clearly in the opposite word of perseverance: laziness. A lazy person is a coward. Every time they have to work, they use the excuses. Such as: it is too cold, too hot, hungry, full, sleepy, or tired. A lazy person dies many times a day.
Victory over laziness is called viriya, perseverance or braveness. Perseverance can only happen to us when we can avoid all of the Roads An observation of people working together sows that it takes diligence on both the part of the employer and employees to be successful. The employer is very important because if he is lazy and takes advantage of his employees, soon his employees will quit. But if the boss is hard working, he will inspire his employees to work hard as well.
 someone who does not study when they have the opportunity has
 someone who does not study when they have the opportunity has
to complete his studies when he is too old to remember any thing.
3. Thoughtfulness:
Dedication to your work. Usually adults are responsible for their work. It is rare that they ignore their work because the mind naturally likes to think. On the other hand, it is very difficult to stop the mind from thinking. The only negative part is that the mind likes to think about other people, i.e. criticize, interfere etc., and forgets about itself. Thus Lord Buddha taught us to be thoughtful while in our work:
“One should be thoughtful in both finished and unfinished work.”
4. Examination: The top secret to successful work is in this principle. When working we do not only work physically, but we need think wisely. Whether or not we love to work we must work hard and dedicate ourselves to it. Without the wisdom to investigate and test it, the work could not be completed and we may never finish it.
Alos, one who does not think wisely and tries to work on things they can not finish could become a slave to their work. The following story of “Peta who arranges head and foot” gives an example. A Peta was given an order from his superior to look after sleeping passengers at a resting area at night. First, he checked the sides of the heads of each passenger and set them in a neat or der. Then he checked the sides of the feet. Once he finished the sides of the feet he went back to check the head again and kept arranging each over and over again. This is because he did not think that humans are different in height. He could never finish arranging neither feet nor head.
when cleaning the house, one begins to clean the floor before the ceiling.
when cleaning the house, one begins to clean the floor before the ceiling.
People who work wisely must have the following traits:
- Right timing
- Right technique
In conclusion, success in work comes from a mind that is willing, determined, concentrated, and intelligent. The best way to train our mind is by practicing generosity, observing precepts, and meditating. In this way we help teach our mind to be bright, so that it sees things clearly and understands how to work efficiently.
Obstacles for Successful Work
The main sources of unfinished work come from the Six Roads to Ruin:
1. Addiction to intoxicants;
2. Roaming the streets at unseemly hours;
3. Frequenting shows;
4. ndulgence in gambling;
5. Association with bad companions;
6. Habits of idleness.
Roads to Ruin might not be obvious because they are only the entrance to paths that ruin. However, Lord Buddha taught us this:
Although the entrance we see seems to lead to prosperity, the entrance of a prison may have a smooth road, but it actually leads to suffering. The entrance of a deep fountain may look clean and normal, but the bottom has caused the death of many people by drowning. The entrance of a cliff may be covered with green grass, but its deep bottom can take many lives.
In addition, the Roads to Ruin may not seem dangerous! Roaming the streets at night appears fun and gambling seems entertaining yet both cause work to be undone and unsuccessful. Roads to Ruin disgrace of our reputation. One who is involved with Roads to Ruin is considered as one who is ruining his life.
When working we do not only work physically, but we need think wisely.
When working we do not only work physically, but we need think wisely.
Helpful Tips
1. Qualities of a Good Employer:
- Assign work appropriate to each employee
- Reward employee in accordance to his ability and work production
- Provide good benefits
- Share extra profits with employees
- Give suitable vacation time
2. Qualities of a Good Employee:
- Start working before employer;
- Leave work after employer;
- Take only things given by employer;
- Improve quality of work;
- Praise the employer’s virtue.
The benefits of Not Leaving One’s work Undone
1. Increase the status of one’s self, family, and country;
2. Brings happiness;
3. Be self-dependency;
4. Be dependable in the eyes of others, one becomes dependable;
5. Bring chances for more merit;
6. Keep us from being ignorant;
7. Protects us from a harmful after-life;
8. Leads to good places after life;
9. Carry good habits from life to life;
10. Be praised by all;
“Anyone who withstands the hot and cold weather, like grass on the ground, and does his mission with might will not fall from happiness”


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