Blameless work # 2

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Meditation for Peace
Blameless work # 2
Unfortunately, working this way is not in favor with most young people because they are impatient.
Unfortunately, working this way is not in favor
 with most young people because they are impatient.
How to know beforehand
“Think carefully before one starts.”.
Unfortunately, working this way is not in favor with most young people because they are impatient. After a youngster submits his/her project to his /her boss and was then told “Let me think about it” , they assume that the old man is a coward and indecisive. The truth is opposite to what they think. It involves a process of thinking. The old man is thinking before doing, not doing before thinking. Thus, how can know before doing?
The best answer is that we have to be humble and reduce our ego by reflecting how much we do not know. We are not the smartest person in the world. There are people who were born before us and knew things better than we do. Whoever can reduce their arrogance and over confidence; such person will have a glimpse of hope in being a person who knows things before doing them.
When working we should do our best at work, but not overload our selves.
When working we should do our best at work, but not overload our selves.
 Helpful tips for charitable workers
When working we should do our best at work, but not overload our selves. Before we help the public, we need to train ourselves first and get rid of bad habits we have by practicing the Dhamma. This will prevent us to come into conflict with the other people we work with. Also, it helps us to reach the goal of our work –for society only, not for our reputation of fame. We need to understand that in working for charity the person who receive the most benefit is ourselves. We will get the result from the good deeds we have done and we also have good habits that will carry on life’s to come. We create a good environment for ourselves, but what other people get is merely a by-product. Thinking thus, we will be happy and will not need anyone to reward us.
Moreover, charity workers need to train themselves to keep the Eight Precepts so they can learn to control their emotions because working  for society requires skills in dealing with the masses. You can easily come into conflict with other people and there will be trouble later on. Although you may have good intention, the misdeeds already committed will carry on with you. Finally, before working for society you have to prepare your own family. If you have children, you must give them enough time so when your family is happy, you can work efficiently and be free of worries.
Observing the precepts and meditation.
Observing the precepts and meditation.
Examples of blameless work
1. Observing the precepts and meditation.
2. Helping others to do blameless work.
3. Building a place for meditation retreats.
4. Planting trees to give shade to others.
5. Building bridges for the convenience of other people.
6. Creating water resources to provide water for the public.
7. Offering drinking water containers.
8. Contributing shelters for others.
9. Following good deeds or the Ten fold Path of wholesomeness.
The Benefits of doing blameless work
People who do not-blameless work will gain equal advantages and disadvantages like a shadow chasing the body. The more work they do the more suffering they get.
On the contrary, people who do blameless work will advance to true success and happiness quickly. Although they may not be rich with material wealth, they are rich in virtue.
People who do blameless work will be able to sleep tight, wake up on time and has neither regret nor fear for anyone because they do work that is useful to society. They are literally paying back the debt of gratitude to the world they live in. Upon finishing their work, they receive peace of mind in return.
“Integrity comes to a diligent and mindful person who works fairly, thoughtfully, purely, and with wisdom.”


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