Non-Recklessness in the Dhamma # 1

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Meditation for Peace
Non-Recklessness in the Dhamma # 1
To construct a building, a main support pillar is erquired.
To construct a building, a main support pillar is erquired.
To construct a building, a main support pillar is erquired.
To accumulate wholesome deeds, non recklessness is required.
Definition of Non-recklessness
Non-recklessness means: being in control of oneself the whole time, no matter whether one is thinking. Speaking or acting. Never allow yourself to slip into unwholesomeness, and never let the opportunity to do good deeds pass by. You need to focus on the things that need to be done and be aware of any unwholesome deeds you need to abstain from. You have to be aware of and be responsible for your duties, not take things for granted. Search for spiritual progress all the time.
Non-recklessness is a crucial virtue. We can see that the teaching of Lord Buddha can all be condensed to teach us how to be non-reckless.
As we can study from the Lord Buddha’s last sermon:
“All monastic monks, now I like to remind all of you that the body is uncertain and subject to deterioration. May all of you maintain complete non-recklessness.”
Non-recklessness in the Dhamma
Dhamma” in this context means the Lord Buddha’s teaching, which explains the cause of the outcome. The teachings of the Buddha describe the laws behind cause and effect. For example, perseverance leads to prosperity, Laziness leads to decadence.Non-recklessness in Dhamma refers particularly to “being careful” in regarding to the performance of a particular cause that will lead to the good outcome.
they never pay attention to studies, but expect to pass their exams.
they never pay attention to studies, but expect to pass their exams.
Three Characteristics of Being Reckless
1. Those who don’t do anything good but expect good results (kusita): they are lazy. For example, they never pay attention to studies, but expect to pass their exams. They are not productive at work, but expect promotions. They never assist others, but expect to be assisted by others. They never practice generosity, never keep precepts or meditate, but expect to go to heaven or attain Nirvana.
2.Those who do only wicked things but expect fortunate outcomes from their actions (ducarita): they do things their own way and expect great outcomes. For example, they do a lot of damage to the work, but expect a double increase in salary. They gossip behind other’s backs, but expect everyone to like them.
3. Those who do negligible amounts of good deeds but who expect significant and good results (sithila): they do nothing more than light up3 sticks of incense on the shrine to pay respect to the Buddha image, but expect an afterlife in the heaven realms with a celestial mansion. They spend only one hour reading a book, but expect to get the top grade in the exam. They do other small favors like giving someone a meal, but expect royalty for the rest of their life.
In conclusion, there are three types of a reckless person:
- Those who do nothing, but expect good results;
- Those who do bad but expect good result;
- Those who do negligible amounts of good deeds, but expect significant and great amounts as the result.
A non-reckless person will have views contrary to those of a reckless person. They must not underestimate the importance of earnestly investing the effort in doing good to deserve and expect good effects. A non-reckless person will always be mindful.
A non-reckless person will always be mindful.
A non-reckless person will always be mindful.
Definition of Mindfulness
Mindfulness is the recollection and differentiation of good and bad, right and wrong. It is the motivation to think, speak and act in the proper way without forgetting oneself, without distraction and with wise reflection.
The nature of mind is to think continuously. The thinking process without mindfulness is like an absent mind, taken over by mood swings and feelings which don’t serve for anything. If the thinking process is conducted with mindfulness, there will be no vacancy of mind and we will be in control. We will not wander around and let ourselves become caught up with in any sensory stimuli that we come into contact with.
It allows us to be careful and to protect ourselves 
It allows us to be careful and to protect ourselves 
Functions of Mindfulness
1. It allows us to be careful and to protect ourselves from potential dangers by being suspicious of things worthy of suspicion and to be careful to protect ourselves from any possible dangers.
“Suspicious” means aware of / afraid of the potential danger. Example: the person who is driving in the rain, on the slippery road, must be aware of the potential accident or another car pass over from another lane. We call this defensive driving.
“Being careful” means preventing or protecting any potential danger to occur. For example, the driver slows the car down and pays more attention to their driving.
2. Tells us where to draw the line: It helps us guard against the unwholesome path and it helps to prevent us from falling into the causes that bring about suffering or danger. For example: in being asked to go out to drink with a friend, we are mindful to withdraw ourselves, knowing that it is not a right thing for us to do.
3. Give us a timely reminder to cultivate wholesome deeds.: We can not be indifferent, taking things for granted or being lazy. We have to do useful things with our life’s instead of laying around all day.
4. Acts as a catalyst: Stimulates us to do wholesome deeds with earnestness. Not to be sluggish or do good at our leisure.
5. Makes us aware of our responsibilities to know what should or should not be done: It also help us to identify what has been done and has not been done.
6. Engenders thoroughness: We can work without recklessness, not underestimate the thing that can cause future damage.


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