Luang Pu Wat Paknam and the Return of the Dhammakaya

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Meditation for Beginners


    Luang Pu Wat Paknam and the Return of the Dhammakaya

by Luang Phaw Dhammajayo

Luang Pu Wat Paknam
     The Great Masters of meditation have told us that the knowledge of meditation practice along the Middle Way was lost 500 years after the Lord Buddha passed away into Nibbana (Nirvana). It was rediscovered in 1917 by the Great Master Phramongkolthepmuni (Luang Pu Wat Paknam), a very determined Buddhist monk, as he sat in the main chapel at Wat BoadBon in Bangkuvieng Sub-district, Nonthaburi Province, Thailand, on the full moon day of the tenth lunar month. At that time, he was 33 years old and had spent 11 years as an ordained monk. He made a whole-hearted resolution to himself that day, that unless he attained enlightenment as the Lord Buddha had done, he would not rise for any reason from meditation.
     Even if it meanth his death. Persevering, he sat in meditation the entire night and found the Middle Way and reached the Body of Enlightenment residing in him, which is called the Dhammakaya.
The Dhammakaya is the pure and original nature residing in every human being regardless of their nationality, religion, or ethnicity. We can call this the pure original state or whatever we choose but Buddhist scholars call it the Dhammakaya. In simple terms, where there are human beings, there is the Dhammakaya.
      The word Dhammakaya is from the Pali language, a language used to record Buddhist scriptures. It means “The Body of Enlightenment” or “The Body of Truth”.
The Body of Enlightenment 
     It is an ancient word which appears in various Buddhist traditions, including the Theravada, Mahayana, and Vajrayana. It has spread into a variety of languages all over the world. In other words, it is not a new concept, but rather, it is an ancient one from the time of the Lord Buddha.
     During the time that its knowledge was lost, people who had heard of the word Dhammakaya did not understand what it was, and they could not find an explanation of the practice that would help lead them to attain the Dhammakaya. This was the case until Luang Pu Wat Paknam offered the Vijja Dhammakaya (the Wisdom of Dhammakaya Meditation) of the Buddhist scriptures, return to life again. This is an inheritance for the world which the Great Master bestowed to all people. Its knowledge gives us confidence in our meditation and enables us to attain true happiness while living on earth.
     When we attain the Dhammakaya, we will know ourselves and our true nature. The Dhammakaya is the primary source of true happiness, pure wisdom and infinite compassion. Everyone can attain the Dhammakaya by making their minds completely still. Keep the mind centred in the body. Once you achieve the Dhammakaya, you will feel a wonderful sense of comfort and security along with a feeling of confidence and self-reliance.
You can be alone without feeling lonely. Sadness is only in the past; wellbeing and joy are your constant companions. Upon attaining the Dhammakaya, ignorance transforms to understanding, indifference to awareness. Your minds will expand to encompass pure and essential knowledge. And a sense of fellowship for all humankind will grow.

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