A Dead Boxer In The Boxing Ring

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Case study
A Dead Boxer In The Boxing Ring

I pay my highest respect to Luang Phaw.

I am a student of the Dream in Dream Kindergarten. I am not a strange person but many strange things always happen to me and I cannot seem to figure them out. So I want to tell Luang Phaw my story and dream in dream for me please.

My brother had a difficult life. He had to support himself since he was 14 by working for a bus tour company, riding a tricycle with passengers, and becoming an amateur boxer with the nickname of Ai-Luke-Grog. With certainty, boxing is always accompanied by gambling. Oftentimes, murders are ordered because of the loss of money. Therefore, it is not strange to see people cheer at boxing matches ferociously because they would lose money if their boxer loses the match. My brother (Ai-Luke-Grog) was sent to the boxing ring with a lot of bets from those who cheered him. They had high hopes that, “Ai-Luke-Grog must win.”

When the first round began, the opponent started viciously and continued hitting my brother that caused him  feeling suffocated , colicky,  great pain and suffering , which never happened before. It was so bad. My brother couldn't stand so he asked    to withdraw from the match and not to continue. Unfortunately, the gambler refused and said greedily that my brother must continue fighting because the gambler spent a lot of money on him. So the gambler made my brother continue boxing regardless of how weak he was. In the end, only by the second match, blood ran down my brother's mouth and nose. He waved his hands restlessly and dropped down onto the floor. The referee started to count and count and count without knowing that my brother's face was pale and blue because he was suffocated. My brother died in the ring at the age of 15.

Nine days after my brother's death, I dreamed of him. He had a sad face and wore old, dirty, and ragged clothes. It was the only time in ten years that I dreamed of him. Then, after all those years, I dreamed of him again. He asked me, “You are going to the new house right?  Wait for me because I'll go with you.” The next day was actually the day I had to drive to Pattaya, but when I was almost there, I parked my car at a house where I saw a dog being bitten by four to five other dogs. I yelled at them, those were  mobbish dogs, how can they bully this dog. At that instance that dog mobbed turned to me and jumped at me! I was frightened and decided to get on my car and close the car door. I did not know where this dog got its strength, but it kept on scratching at my car even more. It looked as if it wanted me to open the door for him. It ran around, I noticed and felt that it was not trying to harm me. Rather, it looked so happy, wagged its tail and climbed up the car door frequently. I then decided to descend from my vehicle and it jumped on me most happily. I was very confused because I never knew that dog.
Later, the dog's owner stepped outside and was amazed by the strength of his dog because it had been sick for a few days already and so weak. How come today it had seen me and turned out acting such a strong dog like this. I then started to wonder if the dog was haunted. So I hurried to contact a medium. The medium told me that the dog was haunted by my brother's spirit. I then said to the medium that after 10 years, why hasn't he been reborn yet. The medium said that because my brother died before he should have, he became a wandering ghost. Because of this, I decided to return to that dog once again. It was happy when it saw me. I then spoke to the dog that if it was my brother for real, it should go and reincarnate. With all the merit I have performed, I dedicated all of it to him and he should rejoice in them. A week later, I went back to the dog. This time, the dog's owner said his dog was back to normal and it acted as if it did not know me.

Currently, I have another terrible problem regarding my son I had with my first husband who died when my son was two years old. Before telling you the story, I have to recount a strange dream that I had before the birth of my son. I dreamed that I went to Laos to a place that was filled with cruelty. There were millions of dirty children over there. All those children were physically disabled, had no arms, no legs, and none of them were normal.

That land was surrounded by a grossly gigantic metal wall. The outer part of the wall was in a deep forest as part of a vast territory. I dreamed that I went into this land and then I heard a reverberation of my name loudly. It said that I had to leave that place immediately. If not, I would never be able to leave ever again. But to leave, I had to take a child with me. I replied that I did not want one because they were all dirty and disabled. That noise threatened me and said I had to hurry because the door was about to close. I then grabbed a child and saw that he was not dirty due to the rain. After my inspection, I saw that his body was not disabled and so I ran outside with that child.

The story does not end there. When my son was in 4th and 5th grade, he became weak. He was sick; his leg became bended and swollen. His back was hunched. But the strangest thing was that my son started to despise cleaning himself, brushing his teeth, and washing his face. He got accustomed to getting himself dirty and got black scurf, rashes all over his body. He did not want to wash his clothes. When I asked him why, he said he had to use all the clothes in his closet first so that he could clean them at the same time. He would use all his clothes, about 100 of them, until there were no more clothes. But it turned out that he still did not want to wash them. He dug out used clothes with mold on them and stinking to wear repeatedly. That made me think of the dream I had before he was born and his current conditions, and both resemble each other. It was very difficult for me to accept it.

He never tried to change his habit regardless of how I talked to him. He woke up very late, ate once a day, and was happy with the way he was. There was also something strange that happened to my son, especially the night that he stayed with his aunt. When his aunt woke up, she was so shocked with what she was seeing. She ran to my house and told me I had to go and see my son. What we all saw was that my sixteen-year old son transformed into an old man. He looked as if he was a hundred years old with a black wrinkled face. He did not give me any responses to my questions and did not turn around when I called him. I was very alarmed but felt that I had to be brave. But I was very curious that I didn't know what to do or what was happening. I was wondering why my son turned out to be likes that. And then it occurred to me flashily that my son was haunted by a ghost.

But I pretended that everything was normal and that I did not know he was haunted. I walked closer to him and asked, “What's going on with you, show me your face.” I tried for a long time and when he turned his face around, I saw that his face was very old and his eyes were red. I tried to pull myself together as much as I could and to pretend that I did not know he was haunted because I tried to make him drink water, which I mixed with holy water without telling him. He refused to drink it so I aimed the holy water at his mouth but I was not successful.

But the effort is the beauty of Universe so I kept on trying with different tactics. I thought it's better to bathe him in the holy water. I then lied to him to take a bath that I mixed with holy water and put it in a big jar. I thought that I had to attempt to put my Luang Pu Image pendant (of Luang Phaw Wat Paknam – Suppressing Satan Version) onto my son at once when he had been distracted. I did it !! The moment I placed it on his neck, he screamed and tried to pull it out, “Heavy, it is too heavy, what kind of necklace is this? Remove it!” I then asked him as a reply what was heavy and that it was only a small pendant and not heavy at all. I forbid him to take it off. I also ordered him to pray but he refused. I then decided to pray myself for 15 rounds. I dragged him to the bath and poured holy water on him. He screamed, “The water is so cold.” I retorted to him that it was not cold and this was the daytime with sunshine. I pretended that I did not know and tried to get him to pray again and told him to think about the time he ordained as a Bhikkhu. I told him to think about Luang Pu, Luang Phaw, and Khun Yay (Khun Yay Archariya Maharatana Upasika Chandra Khonnokyoong). I then thought of the merits I accrued from meditation and ordered him to meditate as well. I made him do anything that would earn him merits. Then he began to look like himself again little by little until he turned back to normal. Then he said, “Mom, it's gone, you don't have to make me meditate or pray anymore.” I knew that my son was fine then. After that event, I made him wear the Dhammakaya Buddha Image pendant all the time.  

1. What kind of kammic retribution made my brother pass away during the boxing match when he was only 15? Where did he go after he passed away? How is he now? Has he received the merits I dedicated to him? Does he have any messages for me?

2. Was he in my dream and did he haunt the dog? If he did. Why did he do that? Why didn't he haunt a human instead of a dog?

3. Why did that dog allow himself to be haunted? Did he have to have kammic retribution with black magic? Did other dogs know that that dog was being haunted? Was it why they attacked him? Did they see something?

4. Does the land I dreamed of exist? If it does, what was it? Why were there only disabled children there?

5. Where did my son come from before he was born? What kind of kammic retribution made us become mother and son? And why was he content being dirty? How can that be changed?

6. My son became an old man due to being haunted, was it true? If so, why did the ghost choose my son? What did it want? Why did my son look so old when he was haunted?

7. Why did my son say the Luang Pu Image (Suppressing Satan Version) pendant was so heavy when I put this on him ? And why was he so cold when I poured holy water on him? Why did this ghost leave my son's body? Is my son a ghost? If so, what type of kammic retribution makes him this way?

8. My mother passed away. Where is she and how is she now? Has she received the merits I dedicated to her? Does she have any messages for me?

9. I used to have a tumor in my womb but it disappeared. What type of merit saved me? Why was I healed without having surgery?

10. How have my husband, son, and I cultivated merits with the Dhammakaya Community?

Luang Phaw's Dream

I closed my eyes, dreamed and woke up with these answers.
When you tell anybody the story like a tale, it will make anyone know more about retribution (Law of Kamma)
1. Your brother passed away during the boxing match because in his past life, he was a rogue at a chicken gambling center. He kept and used many chickens and made them fight even if they were wounded because he bet a lot of money on them. Many times those chickens died or lost in the field. He would kill those that lost their fights when he was angry.
  • After he passed away, his spirit came out of his body. He saw himself lie down with a lot of blood in the boxing match. He was alarmed and confused about what he should do. He tried to go back into his body but it did not work because the fine Dhamma Sphere that make human body born had already departed.
  • After that, he became a wandering ghost at once. So he wandered to places he was used to like at the boxing rings, home throughout. That was because his merits and his retribution made him that way.
  • At first, he received the merits that were dedicated to him but he was still not well. That was because more merits are needed to be sent to him. He is hungry and hangs around as yet.  He did not haunt the dog as a medium referred to. He only came into your dream.
  • Later, he received the merits you dedicated to him and that improved his conditions to aid him to become a Bhummadeva (earth spirit) at the lower level. Your brother would like to receive more merits to be specific for him so that he could get away from this condition and be better. He tried to tell you that by being in your dream but he could not really do it. That was because his strength and merit level is still low.
2. An omen caused you to dream of that land before your son was born. However, that land does not exist. Before your son was born, he was a Bhummadeva (earth spirit) at the lower level. The reason why he is your son is because the amount of your merits and his are close.
3.  Your son likes to be dirty because he was used to that kind of life even before he was born as a Bhummadeva (earth sprite) at the lower level. And also because you didn't have time to teach him since you were busy working.
  • To rectify this situation, you have to spend a lot of time with him seriously. You have to teach him many things. You have to be a good role model and do continuously. That may take years to teach him.
4. Your son was not haunted, but it was the condition of a child who was sleepy and did not want to wake up. It was also because your sister (his aunt) and you believed in the haunting practice before. Your belief and interpretation tended to make you believe that your son was old.  
  • It was the same case when you saw that the dog was attacked by the other dogs. Your belief in black magic made you to believe that your brother who was a dead boxer in the ring haunted the dog.
5. Your son has a habit of not liking to bathe and that's why when you poured the holy water on him he said it was cold. Moreover, he does not like to wear the Buddha Image pendant at first. That was why he thought it was heavy or annoyed.
6.  Your mother passed away. After she died, in the beginning she became a wandering ghost like your brother which was still difficult. But when she received more merits that were dedicated to her, her condition improved. But she is still a Bhummadeva (earth sprite) that wanders around to different places like your brother.
  • She would like to receive more merits so that her condition can improve and get away from difficulty as mentioned above. So make sure to dedicate more merits to her.
7. Your husband, your son, and you have accrued merits with the Dhammakaya community. Sometimes you met our group, sometimes you didn't because you have not done it continuously. That has caused you to believe in black magic, which still affects you today. 
  • Therefore, in this life we meet again, you should intend to pursue perfections fully in every merit. Make a wish to follow our community to the realm of Tusita (the 4th level of heaven), in the special merit zone and never stray away from our community.  (Sa-dhu)

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